Sunday, December 30, 2012

Where Did The Page Go?

Wonder what today's political pundits would say about John F. Kennedy who said:

 In my own native state of Massachusetts, the battle for American freedom was begun by the thousands of farmers and tradesmen who made up the Minute Men -- citizens who were ready to defend their liberty at a moment's notice. Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of American, cannot succeed with any lesser effort. 
 It is this effort and concern which makes up the New Frontier. And it is this effort and concern which will determine the success or failure not only with Administration, but of our nation itself. 
-JFK January 29, 1961 Roosevelt Day Commemoration Message

Of course I had to use a web cached copy of the webpage because it was removed from the JFK Library site some time last week. Here's the original link:

I've seen many people asking for a source for this so here are a few:

Source: White House Central Subject Files, Box 111, FDR 

Other Information Sources: 

"Know your Lawmakers" Guns Magazine, April 1960. 
"Letter to President John F. Kennedy from the NRA", []. 
"New Minute Men Urged by Kennedy" New York Times, 30 Jan, 1961, pg. 13. 
"Kennedy Says U.S. Needs Minute Men" Los Angeles Times, 30 Jan, 1961, pg. 4. 
"Minutemen's Soft-Sell Leader: Robert B. DePugh", New York Times, 12 November 1961, pg. 76..

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Missing flyer for Mary and Max

missing1.pdf Download this file

This weekend has been.. Stressful to say the least. I got a message that my Goddaughter had gone missing Friday afternoon from school and have spent it in San Antonio looking for her.

We need your help. Please take time to read this flyer and contact the number the police at the number listed if you have any information.


Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Monday, August 27, 2012

Enough Already!

I have had it with the political games of both parties.  This may well be the last election I vote Republican.  The way I see it, we need to band together and remove the slowly evolving train wreck currently infesting our most high office, but beyond that, everything’s on the table.  We will have four years to create and form a viable party to challenge these thieves and anti-American parasites that have hijacked both parties. This change is inevitable it’s just a matter of when and what direction, do we want an ever expanding Federal government that will slowly strangle itself under its own  weight, or do we want a lean responsive government that is completely and permanently put back in its Constitutional cage?

Conservatives: Grow a pair! Either you are a conservative or not. These false labels of compassionate, fiscal, or social -whatever, only serve to divide what was once a very powerful voting block.  We’ve allowed our political opponents to dictate the narrative long enough it’s time to get it together if we want to affect change for our country.

Libertarians: Either you want to put your beliefs into practice or not.  We are currently losing our Constitutionally protected rights at an alarming rate. The only hope for America is a restoration of a Constitutional government of the First Principles, i.e. Remembering the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th and 10th amendments exist, then removing the 16th, 17th and 23rd amendments. (If you’re confused, look them up!)

Undecided: I guess you are the group I understand the least, it’s time to grow up and join the adults at the table! More importantly, it’s time to make a choice for America. I have a problem with a large group of people that do not understand themselves, their heritage, or their values well enough to consistently vote.  Now is not the time to guess, you will either vote for a candidate that has a proven track record of harming our American way of life or one that was forced on us by an out of touch Republican leadership, but has a proven history of fiscal restraint and common sense.  You have become a major swing vote in the past few elections and you can no longer sit on the fence.

Liberals: I refuse to believe that all of you who identify with this sect are hell bent on destroying my country, so I offer you a chance to help us restore this nation to its rightful place as a world leader.  Ground rules are simple: We follow the Constitution and only the Constitution with the understanding that the Commerce Clause is not a catch all for government expansion.

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Monday, February 20, 2012

iTunes Problems - Causing CPU to run at 100%

Problem:  AppleMobileDeviceService.exe running at 100%

Solution: Open a command prompt (as Administrator) then run the command below and reboot the computer.

netsh winsock reset

Short sweet and works.. Have fun!

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A True Competive Grant

Well it has been quite some time since my last post, and between the demands of a new job and 3 nights a week at a police academy, I have been sorely missing the simple joy of writing blog posts.  I am happy to announce that I have completed my academy and am not-so-patiently waiting to get the required permission to take the peace officer's state certification test.
However that in not the thrust of this post, I recently found out that the Great State of Texas (Said as should be with the hand held over the heart) held a grant opportunity that was not advertised very well: The Feral Hog Abatement Grant Program.  The thought behind the initiative was to give Texas counties money to help control the wild hog problem, but with only 40 counties out of 254 participating I don't see how this helps. It seems they may need some help with getting the word out... This program is set to give the highest scoring county $20,000; the second highest will be $15,000; the third highest will be $10,000; and the fourth & fifth highest will be $7,500 each. Please contact the The Texas Department of Agriculture and request this program be continued for another year. Why are hogs so reviled in rural areas? Read on.
Wild hogs, wild boars, razorbacks, pineywoods rooters, or woods hogs, what ever you want to call them according to the link above there is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.6 million feral hogs in Texas causing some $500 million in damages to a host of items such as property or livestock and given the rate of reproduction I am sure these figures are outdated. 
The rate of reproduction is simply amazing, a herd of wild hogs can double every 4 months. These hogs are usually weaned within 2-3 months of birth and sow (female hog) can start breading when she is 6 to 10 months old. At that age she can produce two litters containing 4-8 piglets every 12-15 months. The older sows can produce 10 -13 piglets every litter twice every 12-15 months and both young or old sows have a male-female ratio of roughly 1:1 in every litter. That's a lot of hogs!
What about natural predators, you may ask.  Can you think of natural animal in Texas that would stand up to something as tall as 3 feet and will weigh in at around 100 to 130 pounds with 44 sharp teeth including tusks?  Me either. Because many ancestors of these hogs were released for game hunting in the 1930's they lack natural predators to help with population control.   So it is up to us to control the population. Fortunately, the state legislature has made it OK to hunt these vermin year round with out the need for a **hunting license. So do your part, if you see a herd of swine, shoot'em trap'em or what ever just help control'em. It appears that this problem is only going to get worse unless we do something drastic. 
Finally, here is a very useful PDF that explains all this way better then I can..
** If they are on your property and are doing damage.

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Launching Links With Google Chrome In Incognito Mode

The other night I was fiddling around with Google Chrome. It occured to me that it would be a great thing to be able to click a link on a web page or from Twitter and it not show up in my history...

No not because of that!

Anyway, the only help I could find on the subject was for Ubuntu and since I run Winders XP, it was less then helpful.  So with out futrther ado..

Goto My Computer -> Tools -> File Types and find and hight "URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol"

Click Advanced

In the new window click on Edit

"In Application used to preform action" (Path where Chrome is stored) add everything after the "--" (including the dash dash)

"C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --incognito "%1"

Then fore good measure type --incognito "%1" in DDE Message blank. Click on OK untill you are back a My Computer and you are done! 

The next time you click on a link it should open in Incognito Mode. Enjoy.

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My People

2 Chronicles 7:14. 

This is one of my favorite verses from the Old Testament.  It describes not only the way to Salvation but also the way to bring our country back from the current road it’s on.


It reads: 
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 


We are, despite what some of our leaders think, still a Christian nation.  We were founded on the principles and teachings of God and will continue to be as long as there are folks here that will do as today’s scripture says. 


There are 4 things that we must do before God will listen to mankind.  We are promised that He will hear our pleas and heal our land if we become humble, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways.  But what do these things mean? Humility is weakness right? Isn’t prayer and seeking His face the same thing? How can we turn from our wicked ways when we are surrounded by wickedness?


The scripture says to humble themselves: This is not an invitation to be weak or timid. It is a frame of mind, recognizing that God is in control of every thing and that without the power and love of Christ we could do nothing. Being humble is the first step to forgiveness because unless we realize that we need help, we would never do the rest of what the passage says and we would never submit to the authority of Christ.


Next it says Pray: Prayer is our most powerful weapon against the evils of this world.  It is the act of talking with God to seek his desires for your life.  It is also where we can gain the strength to finish the tasks that He has laid out for our lives. And get a measure of comfort for the hurts we must endure. Without prayer I dare say most of us would not be here today. I know in my own life, there have been many people faithfully lifting my name up to God.


Then is says to Seek His Face: This is prayer and study of the bible in action. We are to study the word of God, talk about what it means in our lives and apply it the best way we can. I have seen several people read the same scripture and get different things out of it. That doesn’t mean that one was right and the others were wrong, it just means that each of those people were at a different place in their life and were looking at it differently.  For example, I think of today’s scripture when the tanks are getting low and the grass in the pasture is dying and we pray for rain, or like I said at the beginning today about our leaders.  Both fit, our land needs to be healed but in very different ways.  However, the remedy is the same, by seeking God we can make a difference in the world around us. It is crucial to seek God if you want to have a personal relationship with Him.


Finally the scripture says to Turn from their wicked ways: This is what the term repent means, to literally turn away from sin and change the direction of our life. Yes, we are surrounded by wickedness, and it may seem that turning one way is no different then turning another, but God offers us a way to live our life that is pleasing to Him.


Romans 10:9-10 says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Him for the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.  


This is repentance.  This is how you can turn away from wickedness when you are surrounded by it. We can not look to worldly solutions for spiritual problems.  God has a plan for us.  He wants to be a part of our lives and most of all He wants to restore that relationship He had with mankind that was lost in Eden when sin entered the world.


Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish