If I am going to do it, I figured this will be the perfect time to find some really good Open Source web tools that are also portable (no install). So far I have used nothing but free programs to create this site. Below is what I have been using:
- KompoZer: A HTML editor that replaced NUV. So far the only thing I had trouble with was making the frames page (easy enough with a text editor though)
- GIMP: A wonderfully powerful image editor.
- FileZilla: A great FTP client.
- Audacity: For my audio editing needs.
- XAMPP: Local web server to test my pages.
- NotePad2: One of the best text editor replacements I have found.
- FireFox: The greatest browser on the planet! (ever notice it takes you 3Xs longer to a make page look as good in IE as it does in FF?)
I will try to keep you posted on the more interesting stuff.