I keep about 10 of theses in my office to help with every thing form virus/spyware removal to re-imaging full labs and I have recently ran into a problem with Avira's AntiVir program not updating correctly. It seems this program all though free, requires a licence file(hbedv.key) to update the virus def. file. Here is a link to the updated .key file
Next I had a problem with downloading the update multiple times in the same room (this this is several Megs). To fix this, I found the update link to get the file it downloads:
Finally, I started having problem with Antivir grumbling that the virus def file was corrupt and found that the defs were for a newer version of the program. Here is another work around:
Prep Work:
Download the current version of Antivr to a clean computer.
Use 7zip to extract the .exe file to a folder
Rename the basic folder to antir (optional) and copy to a USB drive or a network drive
Download the update file above
Boot up a computer with UBD4wWin disk and use the Antivir on the USB drive.
BTW here is the update to the Adaware program on the Disk:
This stuff works in a pinch, but I would advise you to update you UBD4Win iso soon. And for those that are scratching your heads asking what I am talking about, go here:
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