Thursday, January 29, 2009

Old Ultimate Bootdisk 4 Windows?

I keep about 10 of theses in my office to help with every thing form virus/spyware removal to re-imaging full labs and I have recently ran into a problem with Avira's AntiVir program not updating correctly. It seems this program all though free, requires a licence file(hbedv.key) to update the virus def. file. Here is a link to the updated .key file
Next I had a problem with downloading the update multiple times in the same room (this this is several Megs). To fix this, I found the update link to get the file it downloads:
Finally, I started having problem with Antivir grumbling that the virus def file was corrupt and found that the defs were for a newer version of the program. Here is another work around:
Prep Work:
Download the current version of Antivr to a clean computer. 
Use 7zip to extract the .exe file to a folder 
Rename the basic folder to antir (optional) and copy to a USB drive or a network drive
Download the update file above
Boot up a computer with UBD4wWin disk and use the Antivir on the USB drive.

BTW here is the update to the Adaware program on the Disk:
This stuff works in a pinch, but I would advise you to update you UBD4Win iso soon. And for those that are scratching your heads asking what I am talking about, go here:

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Friday, January 16, 2009

No Taskbar, Desktop Icons... Nothing.

Haven't seen this problem before...
A computer had a few viruses and some spyware, but when I removed them the computer starts up and can not start explorer.exe.  I could get to a blank desktop, but there was not a start menu or desktop icons. I had to do CTRL-ALT-DELTET to get to the task manager and run anything.  I was able to get to every thing I needed except explorer.exe which would give me an error about not being able to find it - DANG. 

I ran all the fixes I could find an still was not able to get it to work. in desperation I tried the following and both worked but I would suggest the second method:
Method 1:
First, go to c:\windows and rename explorer.exe to zexplorer.exe and try to launch it. If you get your desktop back, then go to regedit and change 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon  to zexplorer.exe
This would work but I was not comfortable in having to change the file names to get it to work.

Method 2:
Open regedit and delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe then restart the computer.
 Explorer.exe should start up when your computer comes back up.  
Of course before doing either of these, you need to make sure that you have removed all viruses and spyware from your computer.
Good luck!

twitter @dkirkland

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I am an Idiot

 OK, so I spent a couple hours fiddling with a project that should have taken a few minutes.  The kid got a PSP for for Christmas and wanted to put some music on it.  No problem... Export her iTunes Playlist and use a script to copy the files...hmmm if was only that easy.  I have a batch file that will read a txt file and use it as an input for something else that works great, but I did not realize that the (whatever.txt) line had to be different for xcopy. Also, the txt file contained "fullpath\2\whatever.ext" one on each line and in quotes.  Here is what I finially had to do to get it to work:
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%X IN ('type fullpath\2\whaterver.txt') DO (XCOPY %%X dest\ /y)
The TYPE statement is manditory! It will not work with out it.
Have fun!
twitter @dkirkland

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish