Monday, October 26, 2009

The (R) Is Just Not That Important To Me Anymore

I think I should express my definition of Conservative before we get started. I don't want any confusion.. To me a Conservative is a person (Note NOT a Party) that believes in smaller government, lower taxes, a moral right and wrong, and feels the State is not the answer to welfare, health care, or bailouts.  The doctrine of "Too-big-to-fail" is not something that we subscribe to.  The Conservative also believes that the Constitution is the highest law of the land and we as Americans have no business being governed by anything different. The Constitution is NOT a 'living breathing document" the intent of the founders hasn't changed since the ink dried.  We the People are the government, and that government should be large enough to provide the enumerated duties but small enough that it is not constantly in our wallets..We should interpret the document as it was written with credence given to the linguistics of the 1700s and not of today.  There is more but for the sake of time let's get back to our regularly scheduled program...

Tea Party and 912 members are fed up with the inability of the RNC to field conservative candidates.  So we are with holding our funds from the GOP because, lets face it, the only change I see in the RNC is in the wrong direction. Most of the people that identify with these grassroots movements have long been feeling betrayed by their party, hence the reason for the movement. Positive change is coming to the RNC rather it wants it or not. The old guard has lost touch with its base, and the new comers have a had enough of the corruption, the RINOs and the 'Good Ol' Boy Network' that has so effectively twisted the concept of Conservationism. 

If the RNC wants to be a Demarcate-Lite party then just be honest with us and join the liberal party. I can't tell you how sad it is to see a politician change their core values just to stay in power or in the public light.  I respect Newt for what he did in the past, but actively supporting a RINO is not longer acceptable.  He will end up paying a heavy public price in support for his endorsements. Lyndsey Graham, is another that I feel should go. Like a lot of RINOs he talks a good conservative philosophy but his voting record just doesn't bear it out.   I mean come on Senator, Global warming? Seriously? Don't even get me started on Olimpia Snowe, Susan Collins or Mitt Romney, When a Republican candidate is more liberal then the Democratic one something has gone seriously wrong with the party.   

What the RNC has yet to grasp is that a these groups are not made up of only disenfranchised Republicans they are Libertarians, Democrats, and even those that do not affiliate themselves with a political party so when I hear the RNC say that there is a possibility of losing more seats in the next election, I have to ask, is that a bad thing?. If those seats were picked up by someone that holds closely to my beliefs, I could care less what letter is beside their name. I suspect it will be an (I), but if it is a (D) and that person supports the Conservative philosophy, how can this be a bad thing? I feel these warning are an attempt to keep a strangle hold on those members that are on the fence within the party abd who have to hold their noses every time they vote. I was one those types for a long time, but now I have bolted from the tent and have taken up guard beside the Constitution, the rightful place of our public servants. Sadly, there are a lot of those public servants missing from guard duty.  Many like me, didn't vote for McCain in the last election, we voted against Obama.  The only peace I had in that vote was that Sarah Palin was on the ticket with him. At some point the Republican party will have to grow a spine and produce a true conservative.. on purpose, for once. Otherwise I see the lights being turned out at the Grand Ol; Party and a big tent standing empty. 

Just my two cents..

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

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