Monday, November 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not A Good Climate To Be a Climatologist

I have read a few of these emails that have been posted and found the one below to be interesting.. I am told this is from file 0848679780.txt Too may games..I have removed the ending of the email addresses but that is all.

From: gjjenkins@meto.
To:, deparker@meadow
Subject: 1996 global temperatures
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:23 +0000 (GMT)
Cc: llivingston@meadow., djcarson@meadow., ckfolland@meadow.

     Remember all the fun we had last year over 1995 global temperatures,
     with early release of information (via Oz), "inventing" the December
     monthly value, letters to Nature etc etc?
       I think we should have a cunning plan about what to do this year,
     simply to avoid a lot of wasted time.
     I have been discussing with David P and suggest the following:
     1. By 20 Dec we will have land and sea data up to Nov
     2. David (?) computes the December land anomaly based on 500hPa
     heights up to 20 Dec.
     3. We assume that Dec SST anomaly is the same as Nov
     4. We can therefore give a good estimate of 1996 global temps by 20
     5. We feed this selectively to Nick Nuttall (who has had this in the
     past and seems now to expect special treatment) so that he can write
     an article for the silly season. We could also give this to Neville
     6. We explain that data is provisional and how the data has been
     created so early (ie the estimate for Dec) and also
     7. We explain why the globe is 0.23k (or whatever the final figure is)
     cooler than 95 (NAO reversal, slight La Nina). Also that global annual
     avg is only accuirate to a few hundredths of a degree (we said this
     last year - can we be more exact, eg PS/MS 0.05K or is this to big??)
     9. We relesae the final estimate on 20 Jan, with a joint UEA/MetO
     press release. It may not evoke any interest by then. 
     10. For questions after the release to Nuttall, (I late Dec, early
     Jan) we give the same answer as we gave him. 
      Are you happy with this, or can you suggest something better (ie
     simpler)? I know it sound a bit cloak-and-dagger but its just meant to
     save time in the long run.
     Im copying this to DEP and CKF also for comments.

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You MUST own a gun - it's the law!

Sensible Gun Registration Plan

Finally .... A Sensible Gun Registration Plan That Will Work...and make a bit of money too.....Clif
Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Vermont 's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.
Maslack recently proposed a bill to register "non-gun-owners" and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun.
Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only affirming the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as a clear mandate to do so. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals.
Vermont 's constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who are "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent." Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves, so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise."
Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is not prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says.
Vermont already boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state .. it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation.
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
This makes sense! There is no reason why gun owners should have to pay taxes to support police protection for people not wanting to own guns. Let them contribute their fair share and pay their own way.

This is a post I found on I gotta tell ya I like the idea. Thank you TnRebel for sharing this information.

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Monday, October 26, 2009

The (R) Is Just Not That Important To Me Anymore

I think I should express my definition of Conservative before we get started. I don't want any confusion.. To me a Conservative is a person (Note NOT a Party) that believes in smaller government, lower taxes, a moral right and wrong, and feels the State is not the answer to welfare, health care, or bailouts.  The doctrine of "Too-big-to-fail" is not something that we subscribe to.  The Conservative also believes that the Constitution is the highest law of the land and we as Americans have no business being governed by anything different. The Constitution is NOT a 'living breathing document" the intent of the founders hasn't changed since the ink dried.  We the People are the government, and that government should be large enough to provide the enumerated duties but small enough that it is not constantly in our wallets..We should interpret the document as it was written with credence given to the linguistics of the 1700s and not of today.  There is more but for the sake of time let's get back to our regularly scheduled program...

Tea Party and 912 members are fed up with the inability of the RNC to field conservative candidates.  So we are with holding our funds from the GOP because, lets face it, the only change I see in the RNC is in the wrong direction. Most of the people that identify with these grassroots movements have long been feeling betrayed by their party, hence the reason for the movement. Positive change is coming to the RNC rather it wants it or not. The old guard has lost touch with its base, and the new comers have a had enough of the corruption, the RINOs and the 'Good Ol' Boy Network' that has so effectively twisted the concept of Conservationism. 

If the RNC wants to be a Demarcate-Lite party then just be honest with us and join the liberal party. I can't tell you how sad it is to see a politician change their core values just to stay in power or in the public light.  I respect Newt for what he did in the past, but actively supporting a RINO is not longer acceptable.  He will end up paying a heavy public price in support for his endorsements. Lyndsey Graham, is another that I feel should go. Like a lot of RINOs he talks a good conservative philosophy but his voting record just doesn't bear it out.   I mean come on Senator, Global warming? Seriously? Don't even get me started on Olimpia Snowe, Susan Collins or Mitt Romney, When a Republican candidate is more liberal then the Democratic one something has gone seriously wrong with the party.   

What the RNC has yet to grasp is that a these groups are not made up of only disenfranchised Republicans they are Libertarians, Democrats, and even those that do not affiliate themselves with a political party so when I hear the RNC say that there is a possibility of losing more seats in the next election, I have to ask, is that a bad thing?. If those seats were picked up by someone that holds closely to my beliefs, I could care less what letter is beside their name. I suspect it will be an (I), but if it is a (D) and that person supports the Conservative philosophy, how can this be a bad thing? I feel these warning are an attempt to keep a strangle hold on those members that are on the fence within the party abd who have to hold their noses every time they vote. I was one those types for a long time, but now I have bolted from the tent and have taken up guard beside the Constitution, the rightful place of our public servants. Sadly, there are a lot of those public servants missing from guard duty.  Many like me, didn't vote for McCain in the last election, we voted against Obama.  The only peace I had in that vote was that Sarah Palin was on the ticket with him. At some point the Republican party will have to grow a spine and produce a true conservative.. on purpose, for once. Otherwise I see the lights being turned out at the Grand Ol; Party and a big tent standing empty. 

Just my two cents..

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New to CHL

I recently received my Concealed Handgun License (CHL) in the mail and have had trouble with where I can and can't carry my firearm.  So to help me remember I have started reading the pertinent sections of that riveting and most easily understood lexicon of knowledge: The Texas Penal Code. Yea Me! Please note that I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV so take this information as you will But I am NOT offering legal advice here. Clear? Good, so this is what I found:
  • Section 46.035 subsection (b) describes where it is a big NO-NO to have a firearm.  I have chosen to list only the subsections I am concerned with. 
  • Sub Section (f) defines a few key words used in the whole section.
  • Subsection (i) are a list of exceptions.
  • Finally Section 30.06 is where we find what constitutes a trespass for people with CHLs.
My first question was:
Can I take my firearm to work? And since I work for a school district and if I was wrong it would me a felony I needed to get this right. After much searching and talking to instructors I found that Yes I can carry it to work as long as I:
2) There is not an employment policy that says I can't.
Because as you can see from sub2(b) it says premises and the definition of premises from sub(f) specifically excludes parking lots. So unless I park in one of the buildings that is not a parking garage I am good to go and if I do park in one of those building, I think we can agree that I will have much bigger problems than the firearm.

Next question I had was:
Can I take my firearm to church? This one was a little tricky but I think I am correct on this.  Sub(b)(6) talks about NOT being able to take my firearm with me to church, but if you keep reading the section you will find that there is a disclaimer to this subsection: enter sub(i), this litte and easily overlook section states that Sub(b)(6) and several are conditional on the property owner having signs posted that have very exact wording and appearance. Yep, you guested it, Section 30.06 defines what constitutes a trespass with a firearm by a CHL.  Basically you have to go on to a persons property without permission AND have been told either your weapon is not welcome or stayed where your weapon is not welcome after being asked to leave. Now I didn't list all the very specific language and physical characteristics the sign has to be, but let me tell you, it is VERY specific on verbiage AND looks. So if for what ever reason you what people with CHLs to stay off your property while armed, You need to read this section. 

Below are the Sections and Subsections that I referenced, again I only copied those that were relevant to my questions if you want to read it all go here and here ( the Bold emphisis was added by me)


Sub section (b)

(2)  on the premises where a high school, collegiate, or professional sporting event or interscholastic event is taking place, unless the license holder is a participant in the event and a handgun is used in the event;

(4)  on the premises of a hospital licensed under Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code, or on the premises of a nursing home licensed under Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code, unless the license holder has written authorization of the hospital or nursing home administration, as appropriate;

(5)  in an amusement park; or

(6)  on the premises of a church, synagogue, or other established place of religious worship.

Sub Section (c)  A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed, at any meeting of a governmental entity

Sub section (f)

(3)  "Premises" means a building or a portion of a building. The term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area.

Sub Section (i)  Subsections (b)(4), (b)(5), (b)(6), and (c) do not apply if the actor was not given effective notice under Section 30.06.


Sec. 30.06.  TRESPASS BY HOLDER OF LICENSE TO CARRY CONCEALED HANDGUN.  (a)  A license holder commits an offense if the license holder:

(1)  carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, on property of another without effective consent; and

(2)  received notice that:

(A)  entry on the property by a license holder with a concealed handgun was forbidden; or

(B)  remaining on the property with a concealed handgun was forbidden and failed to depart.

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I recently upgraded my old Motorola Q cellphone with Verizon Wireless. Originally I went for the new Verizon Touch Pro (XV6850). While it is a great phone, I didn’t have the need for the keyboard, thus the added thickness. I traded that in for the Verizon Samsung Omnia i910.

This is one of the best sites I found if you want to make your Omnia i910 usable. Try the reg files! Getting the Samsung Today2 alone is worth the time to read this page.

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tethering on the I910 Verizon Omnia? - WinMo @ MoDaCo

How to: Get Wifi Tethering working on the Verizon Omnia I910

**** If you have installed any other ICS files before you will need to do a hard reset. ****

Use the files I have attached.

  1. Download/Install the attached "ICSInstall.CAB" file.
    (You may not need to do 2 - 6 but this is how I got it to work.)
  2. Restart your phone.
  3. Test the install by Connecting the USB cable to your computer.
  4. Then run "IntShrUI" from the Programs Menu and select "Connect".
  5. If done correctly the program should display "Connected".
  6. Now select "Disconnect" and disconnect the USB cable.
  7. Download/Install the attached "WMWifiRouter91.CAB" file.
  8. Restart your phone.
  9. Turn on Wifi.
  10. Run WMWifiRouter from the Programs Menu.
  11. Select "Connect"
  12. If done correctly the program should display "Connected to WMWifiRouter Ready".
  13. From your computer search for the "WMWifiRouter" wireless connection.
  14. Now have fun surfing the web from anywhere.
*You may need to restart your phone and repeat steps 10 - 14 a few times to get it to work.

This post has been edited by OctaneMS: Dec 8 2008, 14:32

Attached File(s)
Attached File  ICSInstall.CAB ( 174.11K ) Number of downloads: 3739
Attached File  WMWifiRouter.CAB ( 115.6K ) Number of downloads: 2883

I found this tonight while looking for things to do to my new phone. Works great! Thanks OctaneMS for the original post on MoDaCo.

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wal-Mart Cake

Wal-Mart Cake  


 It took me a second, but make sure you read the story about the picture.
Keep in mind this actually really did happen.

This cake is for someone who was moving from an insurance claims office


Okay so this is how I imagine this conversation went:

Walmart Employee:   'Hello 'dis be Walmarts, how can I hep you?'

Customer: ' I would like to order a cake for a going away party this week.'

Walmart Employee:  'What you want on da cake?'

Customer: 'Best Wishes Suzanne' and underneath that 'We will miss you'.


You can't fix stupid.








Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm Tired

I am tired of all the politically correct tap dancing people are doing over this whole Liar story..  It seems one can not say how things are anymore with out some pantywaist crying foul. I miss the days when people could speak plainly and without fear of offending the idiots. 
First, I guess we have to define what a liar is: "a person who tells lies." Now we have to define what a lie is:
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3. an inaccurate or false statement.
4. the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
Next we must determine if the President told a lie - anybody? Ok. I will answer that one.  Illegal immigrants not getting Heath care under this government boondoggle they want to ram through Congress.  Umm LIE!  Want proof? Read  Pages 50-51 of the Heath Care bill (it can be found on page 2 of this blog ): All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.  SEC152 .."provided without regard to  personal characteristics extraneous to the provision of high quality health care or related services."
It's not just me saying this, do a search for the findings of the Congressional Research Service to see what else is not true about this little problem. 
While reading other articles and and comments for this post, I have read people defending these lies by saying the authors "dug up old revisions of the HC Bill" but the facts remain that unless specifically stated in the legislation, non-citizens will have health care at the expense of hard working Americans and it was in the original bill that was almost passed with out debate!.  What was it doing there in the first place?  Why are we even having to discuss this issue? If it has been removed in updated proposals (I haven't heard) it is only because Americans stood up and said enough is enough we will not stand aside and let you mortgage our children's future for your political gain. 

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Network Printer Install to All Users

I had a script a few years ago that would lee me install network printers to all users of the computer at one time.  I lost it recently and had to find it again so I am posting it here so I know exactly where to go next time I loose it. 

Just put the unnumbered lines in a .bat file, change to suit your network and run.  

1) This installs printer quietly

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /q /n\\servername\printername

2) This deletes the networked printer from the machine being logged onto, and does so quietly. 
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dn /q /n\\servename\printername

3) This Sets the default printer 
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n\\servername\printername

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House, Senate, Governors & State Legislators

Gov. Rick Perry (R) 512-463-2000
State Legislature Links
Sen. John Cornyn (R) Fax: 202-228-2856
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) Fax: 202-224-0776
Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-1) Fax: 202-225-5866
Rep. Ted Poe (R-2) Fax: 202-225-5547
Rep. Sam Johnson (R-3) Fax: 202-225-1485
Rep. Ralph Hall (R-4) Fax: 202-225-3332
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-5) Fax: 202-226-4888
Rep. Joe Barton (R-6) Fax: 202-225-3052
Rep. John Culberson (R-7) Fax: 202-225-4381
Rep. Kevin Brady (R-8) Fax: 202-225-5524
Rep. Al Green (D-9) Fax: 202-225-2947
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-10) Fax: 202-225-5955
Rep. Mike Conaway (R-11) Fax: 202-225-1783
Rep. Kay Granger (R-12) Fax: 202-225-5683
Rep. "Mac" Thornberry (R-13) Fax: 202-225-3486
Rep. Ron Paul (R-14) Fax: 202-226-6553
Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-15) Fax: 202-225-5688
Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-16) Fax: 202-225-2016
Rep. Chet Edwards (D-17) Fax: 202-225-2234
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-18) Fax: 202-225-3317
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-19) Fax: 202-225-9615
Rep. Charles Gonzalez (D-20) Fax: 202-225-1915
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-21) Fax: 202-225-8628
Rep. Pete Olson (R-22) Fax: 202-225-5241
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-23) Fax: 202-225-2237
Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-24) Fax: 202-225-0074
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-25) Fax: 202-225-2947
Rep. Michael Burgess (R-26) Fax: 202-225-2919
Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-27) Fax: 202-226-1134
Rep. Enrique Cuellar (D-28) Fax: 202-225-1641
Rep. Gene Green (D-29) Fax: 202-225-9903
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-30) Fax: 202-226-1477
Rep. John Carter (R-31) Fax: 202-225-5886
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-32) Fax: 202-225-5878

Thanks to the folks at Conservative USA for posting a List of State Governors, Senators & Reps. Keep up the good work!

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Saturday, August 15, 2009

In Defense Of The Cowboy

While preparing for my first message today I ran across an article titled "Cowboy Churches See Big Growth".  I thought this was going to be an article about the Western Heritage movement and how it is changing the lives of many that would never darken the door of traditional church.  Sadly I was wrong.  Instead to actually looking at the plethora of positive change produced by this movement the author ridicules most important parts of the Cowboy Church's' method of proselytizing. A quote from the page:
That’s right, folks. If you don’t have long sermons (the article says the churches give “short devotions”), feature rodeo entertainment, don’t teach on tithing or present the need for Jesus as Savior, you can have a humdinger of a church. Yee ha.
Aside form the outright lies in this quote, it seems a bit pretentious to think that there is only one way to worship an all knowing and timeless God.Lets go through these one by one so we can set the record straight.

"Don't have Long Sermons"
If memory serves, the New Testament is rife with parables from Jesus where he would say in a few words what the priests of the day would spend hours telling the synagogues. It also brings to mind the admonishments a couple of verses before the Lord's Prayer in the Gospels. I refer you to Matthew 6:7 when Jesus says:  “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.
So I would say that "short devotions" are biblical.

Next is "Feature rodeo Entertainment"
I should point out that even at these events there is short devotional..Ok, I am having trouble seeing a problem with this. I guess because I know this movement started one day while a son and his father were AT A RODEO but instead of seeing loud rancorous men of the world they saw a field ready for harvest with few labors.. and they are after all TRYING to reach the cowboy. What better outreach could a church offer where friends and family can get together for fellowship to show that church is not just a building but a body of believers gathering in one place and in one accord? Didn't Jesus teach about not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together?

"Don’t Teach On Tithing"
This one boggles my mind. Our church has just finished a 13 week Wednesday night series called The Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey.. Also, I have listened to several sermons from our pastor about giving.  Maybe it's thought that because we don't pass an offering plate we don't teach about money I can't be sure, but by only giving a brief mention that the milk can (think big butter churn) is on the back table our coffers are never empty. 

Finally, we at the most outrageous claim made in the article: "or present the need for Jesus as Savior"
Umm have you ever been to a Cowboy Church?  At the end of EVERY short devotional we encourage everyone there that has never received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior to say a prayer quietly to their selves lead by who ever is speaking.  Then after the prayer we tell them about a form on the back table kinda like a decision card offered by other denominations that enables the church to contact them in a more comfortable setting to explain one on one what the prayer means and answer any questions about salvation.  From what I see it is working, every Sunday I see cards filled out and souls saved because someone though the cowboy would be more comfortable around his peers than in a traditional church 

I write this NOT to claim the Cowboy Church is any better than any other church, but to help those people that think the only way to worship God is to go to church, set in uncomfortable pews and sing "Just As I Am" and leave just as you was. The Cowboy Church is among the fastest growing churches in the US. We are seeing lives changed, hearts mended, and families saved every week. 

God bless this movement and God bless the Cowboy!

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Laws Fror TX starting Sept 1, 2009

Download now or preview on posterous
NewTXLaws.pdf (97 KB)

Here is a PDF of the new laws that are set to go into effect on Sept1 of this year. If you have a CHL you will want to read this because there are some updates in there for you. Just another PSA I ran across during my musings today. Enjoy.

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The 3/50 Project ::: Home

You know, I was thinking about my local choices lately.. I live in a very small town but there are several shops to goto. If these figures are true, then I can help my town on and save on my fuel costs at the same time. Yeah!

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Draft in PDF

Here for your reading pleasure is a copy of the first draft of the The 28th Amendment Proposal.  Please read and distribute to any one interested in helping this movement out.If you have any questions, you can find out more at the website.  Thanks for your help.

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

YouTube - B.R. Police Censoring ObamaCare Discussion @ ACORN's Request

Is this what is becoming of MY America?

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Amending the US Constitution – Methods For Amending the US Constitution

To Propose Amendments

  • Two-thirds of both houses of Congress vote to propose an amendment, or

  • Two-thirds of the state legislatures ask Congress to call a national convention to propose amendments. (This method has never been used.)

To Ratify Amendments

  • Three-fourths of the state legislatures approve it, or

  • Ratifying conventions in three-fourths of the states approve it. This method has been used only once -- to ratify the 21st Amendment -- repealing Prohibition.

The Supreme Court has stated that ratification must be within "some reasonable time after the proposal." Beginning with the 18th amendment, it has been customary for Congress to set a definite period for ratification. In the case of the 18th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd amendments, the period set was 7 years, but there has been no determination as to just how long a "reasonable time" might extend.

Of the thousands of proposals that have been made to amend the Constitution, only 33 obtained the necessary two-thirds vote in Congress. Of those 33, only 27 amendments (including the Bill of Rights) have been ratified.

Above is what I found when reading about Amending the Constitution I would suggest to anyone wanting to start a process that you urge your congressmen to introduce the bill because if you were to start at with the state legislatures they would be free introduce ANY proposals that strikes their fancy. I don't trust my elected "leaders" that much.

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

The 28th Amendment Proposal

Hmm.. An amendment to the Constitution that fosters the Liberty. Yep I like. Head on over to the 28th Amendment's website for the latest information on this grassroots campaign.

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Meet the Mob «

I am trying out the Posterous Bookmark applet If this posts too much of the page Danna I am sorry. Head on over to her website for more information. Truly great stuff.

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Health Care by the Bullet

Download now or preview on posterous
HC09.pdf (1800 KB)

Yes I stole the information below from The Georgia Christian Alliance I want to thank them for the original post. That said, here is a list of a few things that can be found in the onerous Health Care Bill of 2009. Take a few minutes and go through the list you can event check the Bill text in the attached PDF document Then if you are as mad as I was Please call your Rep and tell the to get their hands off our heath care!

Ohh, and stop by the Georgia Christian Alliance to send them a thank you for putting this information out there.  I am not affiliated with them in any aspect but we are on the same team.

August 5, 2009

Health Care Bill in Bullet Form
No matter what political Party you are affiliated with.....This IS about Your Life.....

48 Important Things to Know About Obama's Healthcare Plan

* Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
* Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
* Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
* Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
* Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.
* Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
* Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
* Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans (read: SEIU, UAW and ACORN)
* Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.
* Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Healthcare Exchange (i.e., total government control of private plans)
* Page 91: Government mandates linguistic infrastructure for services; translation: illegal aliens
* Page 95: The Government will pay ACORN and Americorps to sign up individuals for Government-run Health Care plan.
* Page 102: Those eligible for Medicaid will be automatically enrolled: you have no choice in the matter.
* Page 124: No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No "judicial review" is permitted against the government monopoly.Put simply, private insurers will be crushed.
* Page 127: The AMA sold doctors out: the government will20set wages.
* Page 145: An employer MUST auto-enroll employees into the government-run public plan. No alternatives.
* Page 126: Employers MUST pay healthcare bills for part-time employees AND their families.
* Page 149: Any employer with a payroll of $400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays an 8% tax on payroll
* Page 150: Any employer with a payroll of $250K-400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays a 2 to 6% tax on payroll
* Page 167: Any individual who doesn’t have acceptable healthcare (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
* Page 170: Any NON-RESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay for them).
* Page 195: Officers and employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records.
* Page 203: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax." Yes, it really says that.
* Page 239: Bill will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors and the poor most affected."
* Page 241: Doctors: no matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same (thanks, AMA!)
* Page 253: Government sets value of doctors' time, their professional judgment, etc.
* Page 265: Government mandates and controls productivity for private healthcare industries.
* Page 268: Government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.
* Page 272: Cancer patients: welcome to the wonderful world of rationing!
* Page 280: Hospitals will be penalized for what the government deems preventable re-admissions.
* Page 298: Doctors: if you treat a patient during an initial admission that results in a readmission, you will be penalized by the government.
* Page 317: Doctors: you are now prohibited for owning and investing in healthcare companies!
* Page 318: Prohibition on hospital expansion. Hospitals cannot expand without government approval.
* Page 321: Hospital expansion hinges on "community" input: in other words, yet another payoff for ACORN.
* Page 335: Government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures: i.e., rationing.
* Page 341: Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans, HMOs, etc.
* Page 354: Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals.

* Page 379: More bureaucracy: Telehealth Advisory Committee (healthcare by phone).
* Page 425: More bureaucracy: Advance Care Planning Consult: Senior Citizens, assisted suicide, euthanasia?
* Page 425: Government will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney, etc. Mandatory. Appears to lock in estate taxes ahead of time.
* Page 425: Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.
* Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends.
* Page 429: Advance Care Planning Consult will be used todictate treatment as patient's health deteriorates. This can include an ORDER for end-of-life plans. An ORDER from the GOVERNMENT.
* Page 430: Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end-of-life.
* Page 469: Community-based Home Medical Services: more payoffs for ACORN.
* Page 472: Payments to Community-based organizations: more payoffs for ACORN.
* Page 489: Government will cover marriage and family therapy. Government intervenes in your marriage.
* Page 494: Government will cover mental health services: defining, creating and rationing those services.

Thank you for Keeping The Faith,
Sadie Fields

twitter @dkirkland

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Helping out the White House thought police « A Conservative's Opinion and Solutions

Check out this website I found at

This guy Rock!

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Town Hall Meetings in Texas

Below is a list of Town Hall Meetings in Texas as listed on Tea Party Patriots web site. Thanks Tabitha Hale!

Health Care Town Hall
Center for the Visual Arts 
Denton, TX 76201
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Start Time: 10:00 AM End Time: 11:00 AM

In attendance, Rep. Michael Burgess H (REP) District 26 

Health Care Town Hall
North Central Texas College 
Gainesville, TX 76240
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Start Time: 2:00 PM End Time: 3:00 PM

In attendance, Rep. Michael Burgess H (REP) District 26

Health Care Town Hall
American Legion Hall 
Crosby, TX 77532
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Start Time: 6:00 PM End Time: 

In attendance, Rep. Ted Poe H (REP) District 2

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Chart the Dems Don't Want You To See

While reading through some of my top-of-the-morning news sites I ran across a disturbing article that describes one of the latest fights in the House.. I know, I know, big news right?  However, this one unnerved me a bit.  It describes the lengths to which the Democratic party will go to in order to stop Republican points of view from being heard by their constituents. 

At issue is an organizational chart of the purposed Health Care legislation (See PDF) and the labyrinth of bureaucratic offices that will be created if passed into law.  For reasons not quite clear, Democrats do not want to have open honest debates on this subject which leads me to believe there are items in the bill that most Americans would consider repugnant.  For instance, it will be mandated that you buy insurance, You will no longer have a choice about it.  I have read in other articles that the mandate is backed up with a rather hefty fine,  Hmm.. I am trying to find in the Constitution where this power if granted.  I'll let you know when I find it, but I wouldn't hold my breath until it is found.  I leave you with 2 quotes from Thomas Jefferson:

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
-Thomas Jefferson 
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.  
 -Thomas Jefferson 

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Google Voice

I received an invite to Google Voice last week and am trying it out.  First impression is complete "Geeky Bliss"! I love the available features and am excited to see more as time goes by. However, the one missing element that surprised me was the lack of the ability to use Google Voice as a soft-phone.  Sure you can originate calls from the web interface then direct the call to a phone of your choosing but not talk there.
To some this may not be a problem, but for me, I have to use my cell phone as a modem when I am out of the house or office so I can not talk on the phone and be on the internet at the same time.  After digging around the help section a while I found a user that was able to get around this little problem. From @Zanthexter: 
Step 1 Set up a GIzmo5 account. 
Step 2 Add the "Gizmo5" phone number to Google Voice. Same as any other phone, just be sure to select the Gizmo TYPE 
Step 3 Configure a SIP compatible soft phone, WiFi phone, Hardline Phone, or SoftPhoneForMobile to answer calls received on your Gizmo5 number.

That's it.. You have to start the call from the Google Voice interface and send it to your Gizmo Phone number that you added and you are set. 

twitter @dkirkland
Google Voice 979.209.0322

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We The People Stimulus Package

Bob Basso author of "Common Sense" plays the role of Thomas Paine to ignite the fire of change in America. Patriotism and Pride for America lead Thomas Paine to help take back America!

Posted via web from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dave Ramsey's Town Hall For Hope

Last month I help our church prepare for the Town Hall For Hope by Dave Ramesy.  Here is the event on line... enjoy!

<p><a href=" ">Dave Ramsey - Town Hall for Hope 2009</a> from <a href="">Central FPU</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Friday, April 24, 2009

SFFMA Legislative Alert

Here is an email that received form the SFFMA If you are a volunteer Firefighter Please call your representative . On the surface this may sound like a good idea, but DO NOT confuse the term education with training.  These people are talking about not allowing someone to volunteer unless they have an as yet determined amount of education. Sorry, but in a fire fight I don't care if the man/woman beside me has a college degree of even finished high school I just need to know that they are trained.   

SFFMA Legislative Alert - Immediate Action Needed!

Tuesday of this week, Representative Linda Harper-Brown laid out the committee substitute to House Bill 3390, which is the Sunset bill for the Texas Commission on Fire Protection.  At the request of the Chair, Representative Yvonne Davis, the substitute includes language requiring the Commission to regulate volunteer firefighters.

Section 17 of the bill requires the Commission to establish minimum educational and training standards for volunteer firefighters.

Section 28 of the bill authorizes the Commission to prohibit someone from being a volunteer firefighter if they don’t meet minimum requirements, don’t meet continuing education requirements, and don’t meet other “certain requirements determined by commission rule.”  The bill does not specify what these other requirements might be!

The bill was voted out of the Urban Affairs committee late last night and is now heading to the House floor for a vote.

At a time when we are struggling to raise the funds to put fuel in our trucks, purchase much needed equipment, and fight the wildfires that are sweeping across large parts of the state, the last thing we need is more regulation from Austin!  The Legislature should be helping us protect the state of Texas, not discouraging people from VOLUNTEERING their time to serve their communities. 


Tell whomever answers the phone who you are and that you want the Representative to support volunteer firefighters and vote for an amendment to strip Sections 17 and 28 from CSHB 3390.  The person on the phone will tell you that they will advise the Representative.  Tell them thank you for their support and hang up.  Please be professional.  In most cases your Representative had nothing to do with this committee substitute and we need their help. 

You can find your State Representative’s Austin office phone number by going to The Texas Legislature online at . 

Please do not call legislators who are not your representative – this is counterproductive.

For further information please check 

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Art of Lawn Mowing…

Today sucked… A lot of things went wrong that should have been easy, but that’s ok, it ended well.  I was reintroduced to the joys of mowing my yard with a push mower. It may sound strange to say something like this, but hear me out:

As a kid, the mindless tedium of mowing gave me the chance to ponder the really big questions of life… Like ‘I wonder if what’s her and I will get together” or going over the newest additions to the play book from Coach.  I had time on my hands and a restless mind; which I used for good… Usually. 

Today, my mind is still restless but my questions are a bit more serious.  While walking behind that mower I began to think about some of the news stories that I’ve read, like the Department of Homeland Security painting what seems to be any dissention against the current administration as “rightwing extremist activity” or state governments finding it necessary to reaffirm their sovereignty in accordance with the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution. I mean, what is going on with our MY country? Has it come to the point where you’re either Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican with no room for being an American? 

I choose to be an American first and a party member later! I choose to live my life and conform my civic philosophies to those of the Founding Fathers, men who knew and believed in words like sacrifice, honor, courage, and patriotism. I choose to cling to my guns AND my religion and dare anyone to try to take them away!  Finally, I choose to stand up and be counted as one who still thinks Freedom and Liberty are things worth fighting for.

I guess the burning question I had running around in my head was this:

Are you man enough to live in the United States as envisioned by the Founding Fathers? 

Think about that before you answer.  There are several things that go along with it.  Are willing to stand up to your party ideologies when they are morally wrong – or go contrary to the Constitution? Are you willing to take responsibility for your own actions? Are you willing to rely on yourself and, God willing, your church for help? In short, could you take every political and social entitlement belief you have and find where the Constitution grants them? Then, if they are not in there, could you throw them out or revise them to bring them inline with the Constitution? Can you resist the compulsion to negate one civil liberty to protect other ones? Can you truthfully tell me that you would vigorously defend the right to free speech for someone whose beliefs are repugnant to you?

Folks we are at a cross road of American History. We stand on the brink of destruction by a government that is not fiscally responsible, or morally representative of our core values, and is out of compliance with what was written all those years ago.

Think about what we are doing to our country! We need to elect people that are strict Constitutionalist and fiscally responsible. Do not vote for someone just because you share a party affiliation. Vote for those that follow the rule of law and will make the tough choices to up hold our sovereignty in the face of opposition from abroad. Vote for those that will let the military fight the wars and give our fallen and wounded soldiers the respect they deserve. But most importantly vote for those who would never see our nation as arrogant or intolerant.  

I’m @dkirkland and I AM a true American! 

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Friday, April 3, 2009

City of Burleson Tea Party

Below are emails exchanged between my self and the mayor of Burleson.  As you can see from his response, he must have gotten a few undignified emails from some people.

Mr. Shetter,
I am trying to find out before I forward to the national media if the City of Burleson is in the process of denying free citizens their constitutional right to a peaceful gathering.  It is my understanding that you are not the one blocking this teaparty, but rather one of the city employees, an unelected “street supervisor” Ray Gonzales,  that believes the event is "not in the public interest".  To help further this along, Mr. Gonzales reports to city manger  David Wynn.  Please consider having a review this situation and resolve it soon.

Dennis Kirkland
twitter @dkirkland

      FROM:            Mayor Ken Shetter, City of Burleson
RE:                  Burleson Tea Party
SUBJ:             City of Burleson is Not Shutting Down Tea Party
Concerned Citizen:
Members of the Burleson Tea Party group have contacted the City of Burleson wanting permission to conduct a demonstration in an area near the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard (State Highway 174) and Hidden Creek Parkway. The area is across the street from the location of the Burleson Super Wal-Mart, and adjacent to a residential area. The area where the demonstration has been planned includes right of way for the state highway, municipal right of way, and a city street. The organizer said the event is expected to draw between 300 and 500 people to participate in the demonstration.  
From the beginning the city has made it clear that no city permit is required for the gathering.  This being said, the city has also made it clear that there are a number of safety related concerns that need to be addressed at the originally proposed location. It is one of the busiest street intersections in the city.  The posted speed limit on Wilshire/SH 174 is 50 mph. It is a 4-lane highway with a center turn lane. It is a heavily travelled highway, particularly during the hours of the planned demonstration (3-7 pm) when school is dismissing and evening going home drive-time traffic is at its peak. The original request also included the barricading of four residential streets to keep group members from parking in the neighborhoods. The city’s main concerns are safety of the demonstrators and other pedestrians, traffic safety,  and the ability for fire trucks to get in and out of the residential streets and hook up to fire hydrants. In speaking with representatives from the Texas Department of Transportation, it is clear that TxDOT and the city share the safety concerns.
The city has a special events committee that reviews requests for street closures (for example, neighborhood block parties, festivals). That committee met Thursday to review the request. Due to the topography of the area and the design of the highway, the number of anticipated participants in the demonstration, and the other safety concerns the special events committee has suggested that an alternative site be considered.  In fact, in an attempt to accommodate the group, City Hall, site of many community festivals, was offered as an alternative site. Nevertheless, although the site originally proposed for the demonstration presented numerous safety concerns, the committee was willing to take steps to accommodate the event if certain steps could be taken by the organizers of the event to assure safety for everyone involved.
At the time the attached news release from the city was issued this morning, we had not heard back from the organizers of the event. We since have had several discussions with the organizers and it is our understanding that an alternative site has indeed been secured.  You can contact the organizers of the event for the final location.
There are a few things that need to be made clear.  First, Rey Gonzales, one of the members of the city’s special events committee,  is a good man and dedicated public servant that works very hard every day to make our city a great place to live.  He is not trying to stop the tea party, and from my understanding has worked hard to accomodate the organizers.  Second, our city functions with a Council-Manager form of government.  As such, the mayor is not responsible for running the city on a day-to-day basis, and I have no authority to try to stop a function like the tea party.  Third, a number of people have e-mailed nasty comments about our city and our city government--Burleson is a great place to live, work, learn and play.  The members of our City Council and staff are concerned with one thing only--doing what's right for our citizens.  If you come to Burleson I think you will agree it's a great place, and I hope you spend some time in some of our great stores and restaurants--you might want to check out our "Old Town" area.
By the way, I have read and studied our Constitution--I've even taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend it.  I take that oath very seriously.
Ken Shetter
Mayor of Burleson, Texas

Just thought you should know...

Dennis Kirkland
twitter @dkirkland

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Saturday, February 28, 2009

House Bill 45

Here is an email that I received from a friend of mine:

Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House

This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.

We just learned yesterday about this on the Peter Boyles radio program. 

Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because it is flying under the radar.

To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.

Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:

•It is registered

•You are fingerprinted

•You supply a current Driver's License

•You supply your Social Security #

•You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing

•Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.

•There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. 

They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.

If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family - pass this along.

Peter Boyles is on this and having guests. Listen to him on KHOW 630 a.m. in the morning. He suggests the best way to fight this is to tell all your friends about it and "spring into action". Also he suggests we all join a pro-gun group like the Colorado Rifle Association, hunting associations, gun clubs and especially the NRA.

This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it.

This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not.

If you take my gun, only the criminal will have one to use against me. HR 45 only makes me/us less safe. After working with convicts for 26 years I know this bill, if passed, would make them happy and in less danger from their victims.

Please... copy and send this out to EVERYONE in the USA ...

twitter @dkirkland

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish