Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Chart the Dems Don't Want You To See

While reading through some of my top-of-the-morning news sites I ran across a disturbing article that describes one of the latest fights in the House.. I know, I know, big news right?  However, this one unnerved me a bit.  It describes the lengths to which the Democratic party will go to in order to stop Republican points of view from being heard by their constituents. 

At issue is an organizational chart of the purposed Health Care legislation (See PDF) and the labyrinth of bureaucratic offices that will be created if passed into law.  For reasons not quite clear, Democrats do not want to have open honest debates on this subject which leads me to believe there are items in the bill that most Americans would consider repugnant.  For instance, it will be mandated that you buy insurance, You will no longer have a choice about it.  I have read in other articles that the mandate is backed up with a rather hefty fine,  Hmm.. I am trying to find in the Constitution where this power if granted.  I'll let you know when I find it, but I wouldn't hold my breath until it is found.  I leave you with 2 quotes from Thomas Jefferson:

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
-Thomas Jefferson 
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.  
 -Thomas Jefferson 

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Google Voice

I received an invite to Google Voice last week and am trying it out.  First impression is complete "Geeky Bliss"! I love the available features and am excited to see more as time goes by. However, the one missing element that surprised me was the lack of the ability to use Google Voice as a soft-phone.  Sure you can originate calls from the web interface then direct the call to a phone of your choosing but not talk there.
To some this may not be a problem, but for me, I have to use my cell phone as a modem when I am out of the house or office so I can not talk on the phone and be on the internet at the same time.  After digging around the help section a while I found a user that was able to get around this little problem. From @Zanthexter: 
Step 1 Set up a GIzmo5 account. 
Step 2 Add the "Gizmo5" phone number to Google Voice. Same as any other phone, just be sure to select the Gizmo TYPE 
Step 3 Configure a SIP compatible soft phone, WiFi phone, Hardline Phone, or SoftPhoneForMobile to answer calls received on your Gizmo5 number.

That's it.. You have to start the call from the Google Voice interface and send it to your Gizmo Phone number that you added and you are set. 

twitter @dkirkland
Google Voice 979.209.0322

Posted via email from Musings, Ramblings and Other Assorted Rubbish